Sharon’s Story
Sharon was prescribed antibiotics after complaints of recurrent stomach issues, but this brought about the opposite result, leading her to the hospital and diagnosed with Clostridium difficile (C. difficile).
C. difficile is a bacterium commonly found in the environment, but people often get C. difficile infections when taking antibiotics. Sharon already had this infection for 10 years but remained steadfast and willing to work with investigators in a study to find the most effective cure.
Typically, C. difficile is treated with vancomycin for 14 days, but this length of treatment is not based on evidence. The TAPER V Study, led by Dr. Emily McDonald, is being done to determine if 28 days of vancomycin is more effective in curing C. difficile.
Sharon needed “someone in her corner” as she dealt with the infection and journey to find a permanent cure, this study has provided her with that. She believes without research we won’t progress or find cures to keep us in better health for the benefit of ourselves and the people we love.